I’m new to waxing, what do I need to know to better prepare myself?

If you usually shave, please make your appointment for at least 3 weeks after shaving. If you’re getting a Brazilian, waxing your legs or underarms for the first time, I do recommend exfoliating at least a week before your appointment. This will help loosen up the hair follicles and allow the wax to lift the hair a bit easier. It won’t relieve you of the discomfort, but it will help make the experience better for you! The Liquid Luffa SCRUB by PFB Vanish is my personal favorite. (Side note: Do not exfoliate on the day of your appointment. Waxing is a form of exfoliation, so we do not want to over exfoliate the skin. This may result in extra sensitivity, peeling of the skin and cause irritation to the skin).

What’s the difference between all of the bikini waxes?

Bikini Line: This service only removes hair from around your panty line and across the top. Imagine wearing a bikini, this service will remove the hair that would potentially stick out of that bikini.

Extended Bikini/Bikini Full: This service removes all the hair from around the panty line and underneath the panty area! This service however does not include the inner butt strip. You can remove as much or as little hair as you would like!

Brazilian: This service removes all of the hair from the front to the back. The whole shebang! You can leave as much or as little hair as you would like.

How young is too young for waxing services?

I will wax anyone ages 16 years & older without parent/guardian consent. 16 years & younger need a parent/guardian with them at all times. As far as how young is too young, I leave it up to the parent/guardian & the child. A lot of children by age 11/12 are already mature enough to handle a wax service, but some are still not emotionally ready for the discomfort. I will not wax a child who is not ready, no matter how much the parent/guardian insists. My space is a safe place for all and I want everyone to have a positive experience.

Can I get a Brazilian during pregnancy?

Yes you can! Most pregnant woman find it very easy to get waxed while pregnant all the way until they give birth (of course there still will be mild discomfort & sensitivity). Most women who already know that they will deliver by c-section will schedule their wax sessions a week before their due date.

What do you recommend for after care with waxing services?

PFB Vanish and FUR are amazing and gentle on the skin while combating irritation, bumps, breakouts, ingrowns and discoloration! If your skin is sensitive or if you prefer something that is vegan and more natural, then I highly recommend FUR (I use this brand during my wax sessions). Both brands however, offer a wide range of products that cater to most of your needs whether it’s for ingrowns, discoloration or exfoliating. That is why I use and suggest their products to all of my clients.

What if I have an allergic reaction?

Notify me immediately! If the reaction is severe then I would recommend using a cortisone cream to relieve inflammation & swelling. I also recommend using fragrance free moisturizers and/or aloe vera gel to help soothe the irritated skin.

How long should I wait between waxes?

The time it takes for the hair to grow back after waxing varies. It all depends on which area is being waxed & how fast or slow your hair grows. For the most part you would only need to wax every 3-4 weeks.

Can I wax while on my period?

Yes you can! Don’t miss out on your wax just because it’s that time of the month! Just put on a tampon & forget about it! However, you may have a little more sensitivity during this time of the month.

Do you wax “big” girls?

I wax EVERYONE. There’s no discrimination here on gender, size or color honey! 

How long does a wax last?

This varies as each individual is different, but for the most part, people won’t have to come in for their next wax session until after 3 weeks. With waxing, we are pulling the hair from the root and it takes about a week or two for the hair to break back through the skin. With consistent waxing, the time it takes for the hair to grow back will eventually take longer.

What type of wax do you use?

I use a hard, non-strip wax that is vegan & hypoallergenic/allergen free. This wax applies to your skin at a nice warm temperature and cools has it hardens. Once this happens, I pull the wax up gently, along with your unwanted hair, leaving your skin feeling smooth & not so irritated like most other waxes. My hard wax is designed to grip the hair from the surface and pull the hair from the root without damaging the skin. If it pulls up any skin, it will only be the dead skin which is on the surface. This type of wax is best for those with sensitive skin, which is exactly why I chose it for all my services.

I’m taking medication for my acne, can I still get waxed?

There are many medications that affect the skin and it’s integrity. Medication and/or products that contain glycolic acid, lactic acid, benzyl peroxide, salicylic acid, alpha hydroxyl acid, vitamin A (retinol), prescribed exfoliating scrubs, antibiotics, hormonal medications, radiation and/or chemotherapy drugs can cause the skin to become thin. When waxing while on these types of medications/products, the wax can lift the skin and cause bleeding and scarring. If you are using any of these types of products/medications as a topical treatment on your face it is best to wait until you no longer are applying them or until your doctor says its okay to wax your face, all other areas of your body are okay to be wax unless you are taking medication orally then you would need to wait for about 2-3 months until it is out of your system or when your doctor tells you it is safe to wax.

How do I book an appointment?

All appointments must be booked online and it is super easy! You can find scheduling links throughout this website. But tap here, to go straight to my scheduling page. Be sure to thoroughly read the information at the top of the scheduling page; it has all the information you need for booking! A non-refundable deposit is required for most services and some require you to leave a card on file. Doing this ensures your appointment is safe from cancellation and tells me that you will show up to your session. Last minute (after 8 hours) cancellations will result in a loss of deposit and no shows will result in your card being charged the remaining balance! After booking your appointment, you’ll be taken to a confirmation page, scroll to the bottom and register for an account using the same email you used to book. This will allow you to login in at anytime to cancel, reschedule or to check any future or past appointments.

What is your cancelation & late policy?

At Brows to Brazilians by Raksha, we understand that life happens and you may not be able to make it to your wax session or you may be running late by 5 or more minutes. Being late by 5 or more minutes will result in cancellation and a loss of deposit. However, communication is key so we do ask that you try your best to give advance notice if you need to cancel your wax session. Last minute cancelations made within 8 hours of your session will result in a loss of your deposit. If you think you’ll be 5 minutes late (or more) please let us know, anything later than five minutes may result in cancelling the wax session and a loss in deposit. All no shows will result in the card on file being charged the remainder balance owed. Any card that is declined will result in loss of booking future appointments.

What is a vajacial and is it safe?

A vajacial is a spa treatment for the vulva, focusing on the bikini line and pelvic bone area. Vajacials treat ingrown hairs, removes dead skin cells, smooths bumps, prevents acne, helps with hyperpigmentation and overall helps maintain healthy and hydrated skin on the vulva. A vajacial is a safe skin treatment and is a great service for anyone, with any type of skin and I highly recommend those coming in for their first bikini wax ever to book a vajacial as well! This is basically a facial, but for your bikini area, so come in and treat yourself! For amazing results, consistency is key and we promise you’ll love it!

What is a Booty Batter Treatment?

My Booty Batter treatments are just like a vajacial except it’s for your booty! The BB treatments are great for those who get booty acne, ingrowns and for those who want a smoother and firmer bum bum! My BB treatments are customized for each client and their needs and will target all of your concerns. When done consistently, the BB treatment will bring your booty from okay to, okaayy now *snaps fingers*!!!

Do you take walk-ins?

We try our best to accommodate for walk-ins, however Brows to Brazilians by Raksha is run by one person therefore we may not always be able to take in walk-ins, so booking your session ahead of time is the best way to ensure that you’ll get the service you want when you need it. We’ve made it possible for same day appointments to be booked up to an hour in advance which is perfect for those who have busy and unpredictable schedules! Appointment slots seen online are always live & up-to-date, so as soon as someone cancels an appointment, the time will show up right way!

Does my deposit go towards my appointment?

Yes! If you show up to your appointment, your $25 deposit will be added to the final sale at your appointment. However, if you cancel after 8 hours on the day of your appointment, your non refundable deposit will go towards that cancellation or no show. Please understand, we are a small business, so when you cancel at the last minute or no show, we lose out on business and another client who has been trying to book with us loses out on getting an appointment.

What safety precautions are you taking for COVID-19?

Your safety is my top priority, which is why I practice the highest form of sanitation and disinfection, something that I have been practicing even before COVID-19 existed! This means I have and will continue to use new gloves after every service, new sticks after every application – I NEVER double dip, sanitizing, disinfecting my wax bed and tools (or throwing out all disposable tools). But during this unprecedented time, I have included extra steps to help ensure each one of my clients’ safety such as:

  • Air filters and purifiers are used to eliminate most germs in the air that cause most illnesses

  • Allowing extra time before and after every wax appointment to completely wipe down, sanitize and disinfect my work space and tools that may have been used during the previous appointment.

  • Constant deep cleaning of high traffic areas.

  • Continuing my education on proper sanitization and disinfection in accordance to the California’s State Board.